Funeral of Abbess Evdokia

On December 29, 2014, the abbess of the Vraćevšnica monastery, Most Reverend Mother Evdokija (Šutić), passed away in the Lord. On the eve of the feast of the holy Serbian martyrs Abbot Pajsije and Deacon Avakum, having received the food of eternal life and the medicine of immortality – the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, she surrendered her soul to the Lord.

Abbess Evdokija was born in 1931 in the village of Pakovraća, to father Stevan and mother Jegdina, as the 11th child. She became a nun in 1951. and she spent her entire monastic life in the Vraćešnica monastery, where she passed away. She has been abbess since 1996. She tried as hard as she could in the reconstruction of the monastery Konak and  buildings. With prayer and work, she spent her monastic life with the sisters. After a severe and long illness, she fell into a peaceful sleep and surrendered her soul to God for the truth.

Today, December 31, 2014. In the monastery of Vraćevšnica, a requiem liturgy was celebrated, presided over by His Holiness Bishop Justin, with the participation of numerous clergy, monks and faithful people. In his sermon, the reverend bishop gave a word of comfort to the weeping nuns, saying that although we cry and grieve, we do so with faith and hope in the One who, once and for all, nailed to the cross all our horrors and sufferings, of which death is the greatest enemy.

Then Mr. B. Radunković thanked Abbess Evdokia on behalf of the Vraćevšnica monastery for all the good she did for the monastery and the Church of Christ.

We know that there is no greater mercy for a Christian than to have the food of eternal life for his “last” meal – St. Communion, that’s why we can feel the proximity of the heavenly settlement to her soul with deep faith and joyful sadness. There is no man who does not sin, and the grace and mercy of God, for which we pray all our lives, covers our sins and complements our weaknesses and infirmities. “There are many apartments in the house of My Father”, we believe that the soul of Abbess Evdokia, who through suffering and illness, fulfilled her monastic vow and Christ’s commandments by carrying the cross of life, will move into one of them.

deacon Vladimir Vuleta